Monday, February 2, 2009

Teun Hocks


Teun Hawks is a commercial artist.  He is the main focus in the majority of his works.  His pieces are very dependent on a certain mood.  It is very interesting that he begins with black and white photos, then adds color to them to create a more interesting element.   It is also interesting how he is usually the only one in each piece, it creates a tone which is very lonely.  Almost as if it has something to do with failure.  For example, this piece is of Teun Hocks laying out in the middle of no where in a cardboard box, as if he is homeless.  It is ironic though because he does not appear to be poor, he is wearing a nice suit.  It is like he belongs in the city in the background.  The content seems to be that he would rather be homeless that have to deal with the usual that occurs everyday in the city.  Overall the main elements to his pieces are irony, scale, and a limited pallet.  

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